Single registration — Learn how to register with the application






As many know, social benefits are very important for a large part of the Brazilian people, but there is little information and facilities to participate, as is the case of CadÚnico registration.

A large part of the population suffers some type of conflict to use these rights, such as queues. However, government applications intend to facilitate this access.

In the case of the single registration, registration can be done through the application, in this way, people have this convenience. In addition, there are so many programs that doubts when registering can be common to arise. So, to help you, this article has a lot of information, Check it out!

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What is Single Registration?

Created in 2001, through Decree No. 3,887, the Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government, or just the Single Registry, has as its main objective to identify and characterize Brazilian families in situations of poverty and extreme poverty through data provided by the population.

It is the main gateway to federal government benefits. The Single Registry is coordinated by the Ministry of Citizenship and, in the Federal District, by the Secretariat for Social Development (Sedes).

Government benefits with the Single Registry:

  • DF without Poverty Program;
  • Continuous provision benefit (BPC/Loas);
  • Brazil Aid;
  • Live Well Program;
  • Alfa Scholarship Program;
  • popular phone;
  • Exemption from fees for distracting public tenders;
  • Social tariff for electricity;
  • Promotion of rural productive activities;
  • Exemption from federal public tender fees;
  • Elderly card;
  • Youth Identity Program;
  • Social water tariff;
  • Social Charter;
  • Reduction of social security contributions for housewife retirement purposes.

The CadÚnico app

The Cadastro Único application was created especially to gather information about families in the country, in this way, all necessary data is available to the government.

More generally, the family can register through the CRAS or through agents who usually visit low-income families.

The data can be used for Federal, State and even City Government programs. To enroll, you must meet certain requirements.

  • Families with an income of more than 3 minimum wages, provided that the beneficiary has social programs;
  • People who live in street situations;
  • Mainly, monthly income cannot exceed half the minimum wage per person in the family.

Those who register can skip a little of the bureaucracy involved in accessing social benefits. The main ones are linked to the Cadastro Único, such as the Bolsa Familia, being the main one of the current government.

How to register for Single Registration through the application?

Through the application there is the option to pre-register for CadÚnico, however, it is only an optional way to speed up the service. Thus, the citizen will need to go to the CRAS or a nearest Single Registry post to finish.

In this way, the person will have 120 days to present the mandatory and complementary identification documents and then prove the situation.

To access the application, citizens must download it through their cell phone's digital store. In addition to starting the registration, the user has other functions, such as issuing the registration receipt.

Find out how to complete the Single Registration

To register the family, the citizen who intends to complete the process must be 16 years of age or older, however, it is best to be the head of the family (female).

It is necessary to carry identity documents for each person in the family, that is, RG, Birth or marriage certificate and CPF.

Already in the service, the person responsible for the family will undergo an interview with a social worker. The main purpose of the interview is to know the information, that is, the real situation of the family.

Completion can be done online or not, however, in all situations the person making the registration must sign the form.

Finally, the system will check if anyone in the family has an NIS number, so the system will automatically generate one for those who do not. Within 48 hours, the family that does not have a NIS will receive the number. The objective is that there are no duplications.

It is worth mentioning that enrollment in the Single Registry does not guarantee any vacancy in the social programs, it only facilitates the entry of those who fit the terms of each program.

CadÚnico is still a slow system, that is, it is necessary for users to go to the face-to-face headquarters, but it is already a great advance to help the life of the Brazilian citizen.

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