Auxílio brasil single registration – Learn how to Register Online






O single registration Brazil aid it is the greatest social benefit of our time throughout the national territory. And it has already been decided that program participants will receive monthly payments until December 2022. But it is not now that the Brazil Aid is in effect, it was created in 2021. And it has a single mission, to help families who are in poverty or extreme poverty. Even more so in this time and that the Brazilian economy is undergoing many changes, all a consequence of the pandemic that hit us in 2020.

The amount paid to participants is currently R$ 600.00 per month, and to be able to participate, you must meet the requirements of the program. One of them is to prove the lack of financial condition, speaking of values, it reaches R$ 105.00 reais per person in each family. A peculiarity of Auxílio Brasil 2022 is that it also includes more conditions in health, education, culture that are available to participants. To join the program it is necessary to make a registration in CadÚnico.

Therefore, if you want to participate in the social benefit that most helps our country, carefully read the tips and information that will be part of this text. Our intention is to show in detail how to register, bring knowledge about the conditions that the benefit offers and, in addition, show who can actively participate in the Auxílio Brasil. Especially because, to be successful in the federal government program, the interested party must update their personal data and documentation too, check it out!

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See the documents required to register for Auxílio Brasil

As with other federal government programs, the Single Registry Aid has well-defined requirements for those wishing to register:

  • CPF;
  • Birth certificate;
  • Workbook;
  • Identity Card (RG);
  • Wedding certificate;
  • Voter title;
  • Administrative Registration of Indigenous Birth (RANI), if the person is indigenous.

With the RF you can pre-register the family by cell phone and have up to 120 days to go to the CRAS unit, hand in the documents and undergo a social interview. Therefore, in the interview, the RF must answer questions about family expenses, schooling, family composition, characteristics of the household, etc.

Important: Families that were already beneficiaries of Bolsa Família and the requirements met the new program fully contemplated in Auxílio Brasil.

Requirements to participate in Brazil Aid

In addition to the documentation required by the system that organizes the social benefit, there are also some rules that must be completed by those interested in registering, check out:

Families entitled to the benefits of the Auxílio Brasil, when they are in a situation of poverty and extreme poverty. According to the Ministry of Citizenship, families living in extreme poverty are those with a monthly family income of up to R$ 105.00 per person.

In relation to poor families, they are those with monthly family income per person between R$ 105.01 and R$ 210.00. In addition to the situation of social vulnerability, families must have pregnant women, nursing mothers or people aged 0 to 21 years (of children, adolescents and young adults).

Another extremely important requirement is that all members of the family group be registered in CadÚnico and update their data every two years.

How to register for the Single Registry Aid

People who meet the requirements to receive the benefit, but are not registered in CadÚnico, must contact the CRAS (Social Assistance Reference Center) entity closest to their residence with all the necessary registration documents. The Family Responsible (RF) must attend the CRAS with CPF, Proof of Residence and Voter Title and also leave a copy of each document for each family member.

After enrolling in the Auxílio Brasil single registration and providing the necessary documents for the program, you will have a social interview. At this stage, the family leader will apply on the official CadÚnico website. You can do this procedure through the official application of Auxílio Brasil.

It is possible to make an appointment by calling the Auxílio Brasil Relationship Center at number 121 from Monday to Friday from 7 am to 7 pm, the call being completely free. Thus, each family member is entitled to a social identification number, the NIS, available on the benefits card.

Final Considerations on the Single Registry Brazil Aid

Many people still have resistance regarding participation in social benefits that are part of the federal government, due to the fact that a registration is carried out that is registered on the websites of the federal agency. However, aid like this is extremely necessary and rewarding for those who receive it.

Since its great intention is to help those who really need better financial conditions, and help like this makes a total difference in the monthly budget of each family. After all, we are talking here about R$ 600.00 reais.

Therefore, if you meet the requirements that are part of the Single Registration Aid, remember to carry out the registration process very carefully and with all the documents to obtain the benefit. 

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