
Social rent - See how you can receive this benefit


One of the benefits that is calling the attention of many people today is the social rent. And as we all know, housing is extremely important for anyone, but there are situations in which a family is unable to pay rent or loses their home.

The amount of rent can end up weighing on the family budget and many family members lose their housing or are unable to afford this necessary monthly expense.

Thinking about it, with the objective of helping this group, there is Aluguel, a very important initiative for those who are experiencing financial difficulties. Therefore, if you want to know more information and especially how to receive the benefit, continue your reading in the article below.

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What is Social Rent?

Social Rent is a benefit established by Law 8742 of 1993 and Decree 6307 of 2007, in addition to many state and municipal laws throughout Brazil.

Its main objective is to help families who have difficulty finding a home, due to the following situations:

  • Prohibition of property at risk, such as those located on slopes;
  • Public calamities, such as landslides, floods and droughts;
  • Families affected by works under the Growth Acceleration Program (PAC);
  • Situations of social vulnerability, which prevent or hinder the cost of renting or buying a property.

It is offered for a specified period of time, until the family finds another place to live or joins housing programs such as the Casa Verde e Amarela program.

The specific situations that may vary

However, the specific situations that are entitled to Social Rent to those in need vary according to the state or municipality where the benefit is granted.

As a part of the states, which have adopted Social Rent as a permanent policy, they require it to meet at least one of the following criteria:

  • Have lost real estate financing due to failure to pay installments;
  • Improvised housing situation;
  • Person with a disability or have a family nucleus with a person with a person with a disability;
  • Single parent family (only mother or father);
  • Use an amount equal to or greater than 50% of income to pay rent or have 75% of committed income;
  • Victim of domestic and family violence assisted by protective measure;
  • Have family income committed to formal debts, proven by the SPC/Serasa
  • Elderly;
  • Be registered in state social programs.

Importance of the benefit

In recent months, Brazilians have started to pay more in rent, according to the IBGE, even with a greater variation recorded since 2019.

According to a study by Insper, the amount of a rent commits around 20% of the income of families that have this expense, 17% of the 69 million families in Brazil.

The study also shows that the population with the lowest income uses around 34% of monthly income to pay rent. These indexes represent how this expense weighs more for people who earn little.

What is the difference between Social renting and Social renting?


While Social Rent is a financial aid for the cost of rent, Social Lease, in turn, is a program that promotes the regularization and use of properties already built to serve as housing for the most vulnerable.

What are the places where the benefit is offered?

Unfortunately, there is still no Social Rent granted at the federal level. However, many states and municipalities already offer this benefit.

These are the states that offer this benefit:

  • Rio de Janeiro;
  • São Paulo;
  • Maranhão;
  • Goiás;
  • Minas Gerias;
  • Santa Catarina;
  • Rio Grande do Sul;

It is worth mentioning that not all municipalities in these states have this benefit and there are still municipalities that offer it on their own, without the involvement of the state government.

Therefore, the most recommended thing is to go to the city hall of your municipality to find out if social rent is available in your city.

What is the average value?

The value of the benefit in question changes according to the state or municipality. In São Paulo, the value is R$500.00, in Maranhão it is R$600.00, mainly for victims of domestic violence.

In cities that are usually affected by events involving nature (such as Petrópolis with the heavy rains that many people lost their properties) the value varies around 1 thousand reais.

How to receive Social Rent?

The process for accessing Social Rental can vary greatly. Generally, the registration is done with the city hall, where the candidate will present the documents that prove the condition that will release the right to the benefit.

Thanks for reading!
