
Caixa TEM Loan – See How To Do It Now


Many people don't know, but to be able to make a cash loan has which is better known as digital, you must go through a process through the federal savings bank application, which is available to individuals or MEI.

Therefore, it is not possible to apply for a loan if there is a debt above R$3000 in banks or financial institutions. However, if you are curious to know more about how to take out a cash loan, continue reading this article and we will provide you with more information.

What is a loan at Caixa tem?

So the loan is intended for those who are entrepreneurs and want to start their small business. So, with this loan, the person can pay expenses with suppliers and even employee salaries or debts incurred to obtain raw materials.

Image taken from Google

How do I apply for a loan at Caixa?

This way, the loan can be made in two different ways as an individual, which can be requested through the application that is available for Android or iOS cell phones. Then it is necessary to update all the data that the application requests within the digital social savings account.

However, it is important to remember that you must wait up to 10 days for approval. If approved, you must access the application and check whether the credit was approved.



The second way is for individual micro entrepreneurs. This process is a little more different as it is done through WhatsApp. Where it is necessary to present personal documents together with the CCMEI, DASN SIMEI.

Therefore, save the number 0800 104 0 104. Finally, enter all the necessary data requested by customer service and update the registration with the requested documents to wait for the approval period.

Where the value for micro entrepreneurs is R$1500 to R$3000 in addition to approval of up to 10 days, the same for individuals.

Deadline for loan approval:

As mentioned above, after updating all the information the user needs to fill in and send for the bank's credit analysis. As it is a process carried out by the bank, this procedure takes a few days, asking for a period of up to 10 working days. So that the customer can be approved in the credit analysis stage to be able to request the digital sim loan through the application.

When you enter the application and see the message your credit application is under evaluation. It will demonstrate that the data of the customer who made the request is undergoing a process within the federal savings bank. So there is nothing that can be done at the moment, just wait for a period of 10 days until the bank reports the results of the analysis.

When you receive the money:

When the box informs that the customer has been approved after the individual requests the loan amount, the Cain approval amount will be received within one hour after contracting the micro credit through the application.


Therefore, in the case of an individual, the money deposited in the same savings bank account means that the user can use this money to pay bills, transfer virtual purchases or even make a withdrawal without a card.

In the case of micro entrepreneurs, this loan amount may fall into the legal entity's account on the same date of contracting. Being able to have the same benefits as an individual making transfers or bill payments

Conclusion on Loans at Caixa Tem 

In conclusion, it is very simple to take out a cash loan. By following the guidelines above you can have your approval within 10 days. Considering that the money is available in the digital savings account within one hour of contracting the credit within the Caixa Tem application.

Furthermore, these same loan installments are debited monthly from the digital savings account where the money does not need to be deposited or transferred until the due date as there is no forgetting.

This way it is made for any entrepreneur who wants to obtain a plausible value to start their micro enterprise with a greater chance of being approved. So, don't waste time and try to install the Caixa Tem app on your cell phone right now to get approval.

It is important to remember that there are two different ways to make the request for individuals or micro-entrepreneurs. So check the requirements to get approval correctly.
