Auxílio Brasil Benefit will increase – See changes in the aid






Did you know that the Brazil Aid will increase? Currently in Brazil, many Brazilians live in a more critical and worrying situation, violating the rights of a human being to have at least something to eat. This is not something of the present, Brazil has already gone through many situations that made this reality only worse, worrying Brazilian society more and more.

With that in mind, some programs were developed to help the population that is constantly suffering from these types of problems, and the Auxílio Brasil benefit is one of them.

However, it has been reported that the benefit will increase. Therefore, if you want to know more information and even check the changes in the aid, continue reading.

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What is Brazil aid??

Created with the purpose of replacing Bolsa Família, which had been in operation since 2003, Brazil Aid is a government social program.

Beforehand, it is very similar to the previous program and is even aimed at the same people. It brings together different public social assistance policies and has nine different benefit modalities, operating in the areas of health, employment, education and income.

In May 2022, the Federal Government sanctioned an MP that changes the permanent value of the Brazil Aid from R$217.00 to R$400.00.

Already on July 13, 2022, the Chamber of Deputies approved the PEC of the aid that increases the value of the benefit to R$600.99 until the end of 2022.

The increase in aid Brazil

Since the announcement of the increase in the benefit, granted by the Federal Government to the 18 million families, the installments started in August.

Before announcing the payment of the Brazil aid with the readjustment in value, the government needed to wait for the approval of the Electoral PEC that institutes the state of emergency in the country and provides for R$41.2 billion to boost social programs.

The text of the proposal provided for spending of 26 billion reais to increase the Brazil Aid to 600 reais and eliminate the planned queue, 1.05 billion reais to adjust the value of Vale-Gás dos Brasileiros, 7.4 billion reais Create aid emergency for truck drivers and taxi drivers, in addition to other measures to mitigate the increase in fuel prices and inflation in the purchasing power of Brazilians .

In an effort to streamline the Chamber's process, President Arthur Lira (PP-AL) signed the dispatch to attach the proposal to PEC 15, which deals with biofuels and is being processed by a special Commission of the Chamber.

Brazil Aid: Who is entitled?

Families in a situation of poverty or extreme poverty are entitled to Aid Brazil. The program will serve those already enrolled in Bolsa Família, 14.6 million households, plus 2.5 million on the waiting list, benefiting 17 million households.

To be entitled, you must:

  • be registered in the Cadastro Único (base registered in Bolsa Família);
  • Selected by the Ministry of Citizenship;
  • meets the criteria of poverty or extreme poverty.

Families that can be considered extremely poor are those with the highest monthly income of all members of the R$ 100.

Families considered poor are those with income between 100.01 reais and 200 reais. To be eligible for assistance, families in need must have a pregnant, lactating woman or member under the age of 21.

If you are entitled to Assistance, the first step is to go to your city hall and look for the area responsible for the Assistance Program Brazil.

Some complementary benefits of the aid

Child Citizen Aid: responsible for a 4-year-old child unable to find places in public or private day care centers in the affiliated network.

School Sports Aid: Students from 12 to 17 years of age who stand out in the Brazilian School Games and whose family is already part of the Auxílio Brasil will be entitled to receive 12 installments of R$100.

Rural Productive Inclusion Aid: families with farmers who are already part of the Auxílio Brasil program, the value is R$200, (there can only be one beneficiary per group).

More information about Brazil Aid and main changes

Briefly, here are some more important points about Auxílio Brasil that are worth highlighting.

  • Do not forget that the Single Registry must be up to date;
  • the value of the Aid, since August/22, is R$ 600;
  • everyone who was already part of the Bolsa Família is automatically in the Auxílio Brasil;
  • Emergency Aid was already closed in October 2021 and will not return;
  • you can consult all payment information in the Caixa Tem and Auxílio Brasil app;

Remember to keep an eye on the payment schedule for the benefit installments, hugs!

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