
See the Pis 2023 payment schedule and find out if you are entitled


The Social Integration Program (PIS) is a program that aims to promote the social inclusion of Brazilian workers.

The payment of PIS 2023 is scheduled to begin in May 2023. To be entitled to PIS, you must prove that you have performed remunerated activities for at least 30 calendar days, counting from July 1, 2022, receiving at least a monthly minimum wage.

You also need to have been enrolled in the PIS for at least 5 years. If you meet these criteria, then you may qualify for the benefit.

It is important to check the PIS 2023 payment schedule to find out when you will be entitled to receive your benefit.



What is PIS?

The Social Integration Program (PIS) is an initiative of the Brazilian government that aims to guarantee the improvement of the quality of life of Brazilian workers.

The program offers several benefits, such as the Salary Allowance, the Unemployment Insurance, the Continued Provision Benefit (BPC), aid for the acquisition of goods and services, financial assistance for workers with young children, the Defense Insurance Program and aid for the acquisition of medicines.

payment schedule

2023 – Payment is made according to the month of birth of the worker according to the calendar below:

  • For workers with a date of birth in January -> they can receive from 02/15;
  • For workers with a date of birth in February -> they can receive from 02/15;
  • For workers with a date of birth in March: -> can receive from 15/03;
  • For workers with a date of birth in April: -> can receive from 03/17;
  • For workers with a date of birth in the month of May: -> can receive from 17/04;
  • For workers with a date of birth in the month of June: -> can receive from 17/04;
  • For workers with a date of birth in the month of July: -> can receive from 15/05;
  • For workers with a date of birth in the month of August: -> can receive from 17/05;
  • For workers with a date of birth in September: -> can receive from 06/15;
  • For workers with a date of birth in the month of October: -> can receive from 06/15;
  • For workers with a date of birth in the month of November:-> can receive from 07/17;
  • For workers with a date of birth in the month of December:-> they can receive it from 07/17.

Important note! payments start on February 15th, so every month the withdrawal of the benefit can be made by workers until December 28th, as established by the Federal Savings Bank.


Find out more about how this benefit program works – PIS!

The Social Integration Program (PIS) is a benefit for formal workers who contribute to the FGTS. It was created to reduce social inequalities and promote the country's economic development. The benefit is paid each year to workers who have a date of birth up to the date of receipt of the PIS.

The PIS also offers workers the possibility of participating in professional qualification courses, such as computer and language courses, among others. These courses are free and offer workers new job opportunities and income improvement. Therefore, the PIS is an important tool for the economic and social development of Brazil.

What does the worker have to do to be entitled to the PIS benefit?

To be entitled to the benefit, workers must have contributed through FGTS contribution payments during the last five years. In addition, workers must have a date of birth up to the date of receipt of the PIS. The amount of the benefit is determined by the worker's age and the number of years he has contributed to the FGTS.

The benefits that the program offers to workers.

The PIS program offers numerous benefits to workers, both financial and social. One of the main advantages is the possibility of obtaining credit to finance the acquisition of goods and services, such as a home, education and health. Other benefits are the granting of discounts on public services, such as transport, electricity, water and gas.
